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Who’s Afraid of DEI?
Why does diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) scare Republicans? February is Black History Month. It’s sad, but true, that although Black history is American history, it has not been taught at all adequately. As a result, in order to tell our complicated national story, we need to bring special attention to the role of Black […]
Hackers Suck
I love technology, sometimes. I appreciate having a spam filter which catches a lot of useless emails, but sometimes traps messages I need to see. Unfortunately, I don’t check my spam folder as often as I should, and as a result, someone from Estonia seems to have taken over the LisaShafferWords Facebook page. I went […]
Is it too late?
I am terrified at the prospect of Donald Trump returning to the White House. I am so frustrated that our judicial system has not been able to hold him accountable and actually bring him to trial so he can be judged and found guilty of the crimes we know he committed. Having him on record […]

“Show up, good people”
I helped create a worship service last week at the Unitarian fellowship I belong to. In so doing, I found words of wisdom from a number of inspirational leaders on the subject of quality work, and I want to use this blog post to share them. I slightly modified this quote from Robert F. Kennedy […]
Everyone for Ten Minutes
I just spent a lovely week at a health resort in Tecate, Mexico, with 50 or 60 other guests. One of the people I met early in the week was a recently first-time elected official I’ll call Serena. We bonded/commiserated over the privilege and challenge of public service and shared some of the high and […]

What Really Matters
If it wasn’t clear before last week, it should be glaringly obvious now that voting matters. Voting determines who makes decisions, including decisions about who sits on the Supreme Court. And who sits on the Supreme Court matters enormously! Regarding affirmative action in higher education, the court’s majority seem to believe that there is no […]
What about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?
I am upset by the continuing and seemingly intensified efforts to silence and suppress people who don’t fit radical conservative politicians’ image of society. Our society is not promoting life, given the prevalence of guns and gun violence, now the number one cause of death for children. Our society is not promoting liberty, with small […]
Monumental Thoughts – Part 2
The Library of Congress and the National African American History Museum represent the complicated history, culture, and challenges of our nation. The Library of Congress is the world’s largest library with more than 173 million items including books, recordings, photographs, maps, sheet music, and manuscripts. The majestic building is filled with statues, murals, and quotations. […]
Monumental Thoughts – Part 1
I lived in the Washington, DC area for 25 years, but this week is the first time I’ve been here purely as a tourist, visiting with a California friend who wanted to see the famous cherry blossoms. Washington definitely delivered. We didn’t just see cherry trees. We saw the product of generations of leaders, patriots, […]

Whose Power Is It Anyway?
I learned in school that our system of government is based on the idea that we grant power through our electoral system. Every citizen is entitled to vote for the candidates that best represent that voter’s preferences, and the candidates who earn the most votes are entrusted with certain powers according to the office to […]

Whose laws and whose order?
I admit it: I’m frustrated, worried, and SO tired of power-hungry hypocrites. As I write this, the former president appears on the verge of indictment and is calling for protests, while his allies in Congress announce investigations into all the institutions that are trying to hold people accountable for their actions. Elected officials who have […]

Holiday musings
It’s December 26. The eight days of Hanukkah have passed, it’s one day after Christmas and I wonder what it all means. As we get older and the prospect of grandchildren fades ever more, I wonder what it means and why I work so hard to find special ways to mark the day. I understand […]
Flickering flames
I’m writing this on the tenth anniversary of the Sandy Hook murders. My husband and I were joined by a few friends for an informal outdoor vigil where we lit 26 candles and read aloud the names of the children and teaching staff who died by gunfire at the elementary school in Connecticut. On the […]

Public Service Matters
I haven’t posted anything for a while, but it hasn’t been for lack of thoughts to share. Even though I’m retired, it’s hard to find time for reflection and writing. I finally started writing this on the Amtrak Coast Starlight train, traveling from LA to Seattle to spend Thanksgiving on Bainbridge Island with friends and […]
Vote smarter, please!
Why be a voter at all? It’s confusing. Does it make any difference anyway? Yes, voting matters. Do you want your school board to ban books or discussion of certain topics? Or do you want teachers to focus on teaching critical thinking skills by presenting controversial topics and helping kids think for themselves? Your vote […]
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