ISBN, Anyone?
ISBN, LCCN, bar code, price, author bio, cover design, … these are all items I need to figure out in order to finalize my book and get it printed. I thought writing would be the most challenging part of this project. It has been four years since I decided I would write some kind of book after my experience on the city council. I hope it won’t be another four years before I can hand someone a physical copy or send them a web link to download an electronic edition.
I found a print site to use,, at least for some initial copies. They offer an ISBN at a discount, but it’s not a full ISBN (ISBN is the International Standard Book Number). The Library of Congress has the LCCN, Library of Congress Control Number, which requires an ISBN first. All of this is to register the book in some repository so that at some time in the future someone will be able to research my name and discover that I wrote something. I doubt my book will have much value at that point, but my name will be preserved somewhere. That is, if our whole system of governance and societal order still exists at some time in the future. Writing today, I have my doubts, but I am committed not to make this book or this blog or this website about current political events.
Pricing – when you submit an ISBN registration, you have to specify a price. That is so that when you print the book, there is a barcode on the back which has the price embedded. I anticipate a very low volume of sales, so I don’t plan to print very many copies at once. If I decide to change the price later, I can modify the barcode and print new copies.
So many decisions to be made amidst so much uncertainty. I could be optimistic and plan for success. Visualize my dream. Create my reality. Make a visionboard with the NY Times best seller list showing my little guidebook at the top of the nonfiction listing. Or I could be modest and assume that this book will be primarily holiday gifts for friends and family, and not expect anyone to actually pay real money to buy a copy. The whole world is so uncertain right now, it’s hard to know what might be the national mood, or even the local mood a few months from now when I might plan a book launch. We are probably all going to be exhausted, whatever happens, and not want to talk about government at all.
Ironically, the one thing I did accomplish early on, with my intention to write this book back in 2017, was to book a gig as a guest speaker at Rancho La Puerta. I got a wonderful free week at the Ranch, but unfortunately they scheduled me in November, right after the 2018 election, when nobody wanted to talk politics at all. Attendance at my presentations was, shall we say, underwhelming. Here I am, 2 years later, in the same time cycle, but on steroids.
Well, I’m plowing ahead anyway. I have a cover design. I bought ten ISBNs because it only cost a bit more than buying two and both the paperback print edition and an e-book edition will need their own numbers. Anybody needing an ISBN? I can share!
I do want people to read this book and learn from it. I want public engagement in the governance process to be civil, respectful, and well-informed. Civility, clarity, and communication are the key concepts in the book. As I told one of my friends, the payoff is not going to be in financial gains – it will be in having a few more people who can be more effective in advocating for change in their communities. May it be so.